Digital Signage bei Orsay


Proof of Concept

Base case

Orsay wants e to venture into a new, mobile, networked and cross-channel (communication) world through guided selling.

Solution & Implementation

The customer advisors in the shop initially receive a mobile device with the InStore Assistant, with the help of which they can query article stocks and order articles from other branches or the online shop for the customer. The manufacturer and type of device (tablet or smartphone) don't play any role. Tasks such as recording incoming goods, re-sorting or redrawing articles are also stored as to-dos in the InStore Assistant.

As the project advances, three 80″ screens in portrait format are hung behind the tills of the Orsay flagship stores. These are connected to display the content in landscape format. The connection to the Orsay ERP ensures that information is only displayed on the items that are actually included in the store's inventory.

With the help of 23 ″ self-service displays hanging on the wall, customers can browse the Orsay range and, for example, order items that are available online but not in the store.

An intelligent mirror with a touch display hangs in front of the changing rooms. With an extra barcode scanner, customers can scan articles and query availability, sizes and colors.
Thanks to the cloud solution, the employees' InStore Assistant is connected to all digital signage solutions; product videos and information can be displayed using the push-to-screen function.


The use of the InStore Assistant brings Orsay a turnover increase of up to 3%. After screens were tested in both portrait and landscape format, Orsay came to the conclusion that portrait-format screens are better suited for the fashion sector. The feedback from customers and employees has been positive. The application is particularly helpful when selling comparatively high-priced items. Above all, however, the use of this technology enables the sale of goods that are not physically available in the respective branch.

Featured products

Project Overview

Orsay setzt in diesem Proof of Concept auf folgende Leistungen und Produkte der Bütema AG:

InStore Assistant

  • Content management with soviaRetail
  • Quick and centralized content control
  • Multimedia content for more advertising impact
  • Digital advertising displays for product presentations
  • Digital shelf extension via counter cards

Interactive Shop Window

  • Screen, durch dessen Inhalte mit Hilfe von Buttons 24/7 navigiert werden kann

Self Service Terminals

  • Digitale Selbstbedienungsterminals am POS (nachstehend ausgebaut)
  • Stationäre Terminals zur Selbstauskunft über Artikel durch Scannen des Barcodes
  • Digital Counter Cards mit Self Service Funktion

Interaktiver Spiegel (Interaktive Umkleide)

  • Interaktiver Spiegel in der Umkleidekabine mit Selbstbedinungsterminal und Ruffunktion

InStore Assistant

  • Supporting employees in sales talks
  • Zum Abwickeln der Omnichannelprozesse Click & Collect, Click & Reserve, Return to Retail Store

Smart Data

  • Merging and synchronization of data from different systems
  • Provision of the current inventory
  • Generating meaningful KPIs
  • Analyzing, preparing and evaluating KPIs

Design & Development

  • Schnittstelle zum Warenwirtschaftssystem und Olineshop
  • Implementierung der Softwaretechnologien in interne Prozesse
  • Datenschnittstelle zu verwendeten digitalen Endgeräten und Apps


ORSAY creates feminine outfits for every style and personality with passion and has thus developed into a successful fashion brand for young women in 33 countries. This success was only possible thanks to our employees and their passion for fashion.

ORSAY stands for young, fashionable, award-winning outfits with which women can express their femininity individually at any time. We see this guiding principle as a challenge and align our daily activities accordingly.

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