Major Digital Signage Rollout for Rossmann Drugstores

After a successful PoC...

Last year we started with a digital signage proof of concept for drugstore chain Rossmann. For this purpose, 7 pilot branches were initially equipped with various digital posters. The innovative, double-sided displays were of particular advantage. These were primarily installed in the shop window area and play different advertising both in dependence of whether they facing the sidewalk or the shop's interior.

... follow more than 30 branches

This PoC was crowned with success - the rollout for 30 German branches followed within 3 weeks.
More than 40 individual screens were installed. Some of these were fitted with custom-made brackets.

Further branches are planned by the end of the year.

Advertising displays in the checkout area and shop windows, both single-sided and double-sided screens were installed. One of the highlights is the 3×3 LCD video wall in Nuremberg. The screen content is controlled via the soviaRetail Backstore, our in-house developed digital signage CMS. The now very extensive software makes it possible to plan content in detail in advance and to control the two screens of the double-sided screens in a dedicated manner using so-called zone promotions.

Digital Signage completes the InStore Assistant App

Rossmann is thus relying on another IT solution from our company. In addition to the digital signage screens, the drugstore chain has been using the MERP solution in all branches in Germany for several years InStore Assistant. An app that can handle merchandise management processes, such as incoming and outgoing goods, inventory, relocation processes, etc.

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